A Good Read

by Kent Bond The mirror reveals A very unique notebook A cherished volume That I have chosen to journal in Today Skin is the delicate parchment Organs, bone, joint and sinew The bindings and spine Each cell, Chapters. War and Peace are but cliff notes In comparison Bible, Koran, Kabbalah Only echo its holiness I need not think to Turn the page For the entry is already Transcribing,...

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Living the Questions – Round 4 – The Shadow

What pushes my buttons? Where do the majority of my fears  come from? If I had to confess my worst ‘sin’ what would I say? What does my ‘shadow’ look like, feel like? Do I want to change it?  – How? Why? What have I learned most when my shadow gets...

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Stories and Feathers

Feathers Dance by Aspects of MK At one time Stories The clinging Painful, defining So real, Then A letting go A painful  memory Now ignored Their beauty shunned Denied Cowed from Their lightness mistaken For lead. Being made ready The master gathers them all Laying them out so carefully Given to your hand So lovingly You hold each one up to the light Their plumes bathed in Brilliance The exact...

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DEATH as a Yoga practice

It has been said that we die every day. If we can consider that our hatha yoga practice is in essence a mirror of how we move in our everyday lives, then each time we take to the mat we experience a kind of death, a letting go. Each posture is asking us to let go of how we think we are supposed to move. Each posture often asks us to ‘put to rest’ a pattern or rut that we have been...

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Repurposing Birthdays

Celebrating the day you came into this world
 is fine But… Rather than ask How many years old am I or How many years do I have, Try Celebrating How many times you’ve told your partner,
husband,son,daughter, yourself… I love you! Make merry On the many times have you woken up And greeted the new day with Eager Anticipation! Have you excitedly counted the times When you’ve taken...

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A Yogi’s Journal

A Yogi’s Journal

Untitled by Kent Bond The mirror reveals A very unique notebook A cherished volume That I have chosen to journal in Today Skin is the delicate parchment Organs, bone, joint and sinew The bindings and spine Each cell, Chapters. War and Peace are but cliff notes In comparison Bible, Koran, Kaballah Only echo its holiness I need not think to Turn the page For the entry is already Transcribing,...

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You are an Artist

You are an Artist Your Life is your canvas You paint on it with your experiences Balance proportion and harmony are achieved By the liberal use of Love,Truth,Gratitude and Compassion The primary colors on your palette Your darkest fears trials and tribulations are but the Shadows in your work That only add to the Vibrancy and the Beauty of your piece. Everyday You add Deft Brushstrokes to...

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Aren’t we all on a Vision quest – right now?

How often do we see in  spiritual journeys the example of the monk, who has retreated into the small cave, high in the Himalayas where no one would dream of going;  sustaining him/herself  on just the most meager bits of sustenance,  battling his/her demons in an effort to become ‘more’ of what?, attain what? Or perhaps  to answer the “big” questions. Who am?  Why am I...

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A Song for the Search

…And the song rang out ‘midst the silence of the lodge I have sat in the pews of hundreds of churches Praised your name-Praised your name I have greeted Mecca more times than I can remember I have sat in the Zen-do with Buddha And you came you came So many sutras I’ve sung And posed ten thousand asana You were there Before I channeled the avatar- You counseled, “I am with you...

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A Musing….

Funny isn’t it…. How we’ve chosen To be… Led, shown, guided, taught, illumined, inspired…. While others choose to be…. Shoved, tricked, cajoled, re-routed, mystified, shocked, mocked, De-frocked… For as many paths, There are as many Directions… Up, down, this-a-way, that-a-way, in, out, time-linear, time-none And for as many directions there are as many Dances; We can choose...

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