Posts Tagged "Change"

The Way of Transformation

Do you seek me, yet expect to stay unchanged?  Do you look for transformation and pray each day for the seas to remain calm? That is not the way.  If you stir up cosmic energies, if you wake the sleeping snake, you will pay for your audacity. There will be times of bliss and quiet, but there will also be earthquakes, tornadoes tidal waves that render the old trail guides useless, even in the...

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My House Says To Me…

My house says to me. “Do not leave me, for here dwells your past” And the road says to me “Come and follow, for I am your future” And I say to both my house and the road, “I have no past, nor have I a future, If I stay here, there is a going in my staying; And if I go there, is a staying in my going Only Love and Death change all things”   Grains of Sand...

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A Spiritual Conspiracy

On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up. This is a Global operation. A Spiritual Conspiracy. There are...

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We ARE Waking Up…

We are waking up. As heaven and earth come together, as the dream-time and daytime merge, we register the shockingly exhilarating fact that we are in charge of creating a New Earth. Not in some distant time or faraway place, but right here and right now.. …. overthrowing the living dead is not enough. Protesting the well-dressed monsters is not enough. We can’t afford to be consumed...

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The way we think of ourselves

… we can all look forward to a year of extremes in our world, and powerful transformation in our lives. The Extremes: “… if there was any lingering doubt … our world is in a cycle of extremes” And because we can no longer separate the big world “out there” from our everyday lives, the big shifts in the world mean big changes for us, our families, our jobs and...

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Changing Roles

We all change throughout life trying new and different things, but the core of who we really are remains the same. As we bob and weave with the ebb and flow of life our roles change, but our true self remains constant. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we go through many aspects of humanity in one lifetime. Living in the material world of opposites, labels, and classifications, we...

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Looking Anew…..

The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them. — George Bernard...

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How is enlightenment like a million dollar vacation home?

For some seekers, spiritual enlightenment is the ultimate commodity. They believe that through diligent meditation and self-improvement, there will come a day when it will no longer elude their grasp. Breaking through to the singular state of cosmic consciousness, they will forever after own it, free and clear. Permanently illuminated! Never to backslide into the dull ignominy of normal human...

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Like the River Runs….

If I run like the river runs If I fall like water falls Oh if I breathe like the wind Will I ever learn it all? If I change like autumn leaves If I grow like summer weeds If I’m quiet as snow Will I ever know it all, learn it all? Refrain from the song Run like the River Runs by Michael...

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Luminous tease

Change yourself in the way you want everyone else to change Love your enemies in case your friends turn out to be jerks Avoid thinking about winning the lottery while making love Brainwash yourself before someone nasty beats you to it Confess big secrets to people who aren’t very interested Write a love letter to your evil twin during a lunar eclipse Fool the tricky red beasts guarding the...

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