Posts Tagged "Yoga"

The Essence of My Practice

My practice moves from edge to edge, exploring the limits of a stretch, the inner realm of energy and breath. Each movement plumbs new depths of self-awareness. Who am I now, and now, and now? Who holds this pose with single-pointed focus, or loses the thread of breath and stops to find the center once again? Have I reached my full expression, or is there another defensive layer I can shed? When...

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A Yogi’s Welcome

Please allow your stories to be left at the door with your shoes. You may pick them up if you really want them on your way back out. They are not required to enter here. Kiss your ego and allow it to be still. As you achieve your comfortable seated posture and consciously take in your next breath, Also take in this assurance… There is no need to achieve anything here… There is no need to...

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DEATH as Yoga

DEATH as Yoga

It has been said that we die every day. If we can agree that our hatha yoga practice is in essence a mirror of how we move in our everyday lives, then each time we take to the mat we experience a kind of death, a letting go. Each posture is asking us to let go of how we think we are supposed to move. Each posture often asks us to ‘put to rest’ a pattern or rut that we have been...

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