All we need is the morning

All we need is the morning. As long as there is sunrise, then there is the possibility that we can face all of our misfortunes, celebrate all our blessings, and live all our endeavors as human beings. Spirituality is something that has become necessary in these troubled times. Yet it is inherently superfluous. We need it to remind ourselves, to bolster ourselves, to integrate ourselves, to...

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On the energy of suffering….

Alan Wallace, a leading Western teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, puts it like this: “Imagine walking along a sidewalk with your arms full of groceries, and someone roughly bumps into you so that you fall and your groceries are strewn over the ground. As you rise up from the puddle of broken eggs and tomato juice, you are ready to shout out, ‘You idiot! What’s wrong with you? Are you blind?’...

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These Candles, Our Bodies

These candles, our bodies, see how they burn. How many hours will they last-days,months, years? Look at the warmth and comfort we can give to each other or to anything that comes close. One of the components of lasting art is a spirit flame within the created that can ignite inspiration and hope, and survive time’s...

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Only One Rule

The sky Is a suspended blue ocean. The stars are the fish that swim. The planets are the white whales I sometimes Hitch a ride On, The sun and all light Have forever fused themselves into my heart And upon my Skin. There is only one rule on this Wild Playground, Every sign Hafiz has ever seen Reads the same. They all say, “Have fun, my dear; my dear, have fun, In the Beloved’s...

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On a Day When the Wind is Perfect

On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty. today is such a day. My eyes are like the sun that makes promises; the promise of life that it always keeps each morning. The living heart gives to us as does that luminous sphere, both caress the earth with great tenderness. There is a breeze that can enter the soul. This love I know plays a drum. ...

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Be As You Are

Nobody doubts that he exists, though he may doubt the existence of God. If he finds out the truth about himself and discovers his own source, this is all that is required. “God dwells in you, as you, and you don’t have to ‘do’ anything to be God-realized or Self-realized, it is already your true and natural state.” Just drop all seeking, turn your attention inward,...

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The Natural Freedom of Mind

Since the One Mind, pure from the beginning-less beginning and with no need to grasp things other than itself and has nothing to do with an intermediary of with a fixed plan: The individual might as well be happy Since awareness has no objective relationship of any kind, no specific direction or focus The individual might as well love everyone. Since vision and commitment to vision has nothing...

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The End of Suffering

May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos Even in the darkest spots living beings are able to hear it clearly So that all suffering in them ceases, understanding comes to their heart And they transcend the path of sorrow and death. The universal dharma door is already open The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly The miracle happens A beautiful child appears in the heart of...

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Confucius said, “Sincerity is the way of heaven; arriving at sincerity is the way of man. The sincere person does the right thing without trying, understands the truth without thinking, and acts always in keeping with the Tao.” Only those who have absolute sincerity can fulfill their own nature. Fulfilling their own nature, they can fulfill the nature of other people. Fulfilling the...

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A Field of Action

This whole world is a field of action; You plow it To raise a rich crop But the wild deer Of  attachment Ruins the harvest and most return Empty -handed to the barn -Kabir as Translated by Andrew Harvey in Turn Me to Gold – 108 Poems of...

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